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Augason Farms Freeze Dried Food

Augason Farms has been a leader in the food storage industry for over 40 years. During this time, this family-owned enterprise has grown to produce over 400 high-quality and nutritious food storage products that stand the test of time.

They are passionate about developing products that are delicious and nutritional. Their food storage products defy the perception that extended shelf-life is synonymous with bland and boring. With Augason, that is far from the case. In fact, many customers don’t wait for an emergency to enjoy Augason Farms foods. It’s their go-to source for last minute, easy-prep, and great tasting meals. And with a 20 year shelf life, you can be worry-free for a very long time!

Add Augason Farms to your to your table today! It’s your solution for long-term food storage, short-term emergency preparedness, easy-to-prepare foods for daily enjoyment, and delicious meals for outdoor adventures.

*Please note that Imperial (CDN) cups are larger than US cups and adjust accordingly when boiling water for your delicious freeze dried food.*

Augason Deluxe Emergency 30 Day Food Supply (1 Person)


30 Days of freeze-dried emergency food for 1 person, or a week for 4 people! 3 Hearty meals will keep you feeling satisfied with an average of 1,220 calories each day. Meals are easy to prepare- just add water and simmer!

30 Day meal schedule is included in kit to help with menu planning.


Augason Farms 30 Day Freeze Dried Food and Beef Bundle


The Augason Farms 30 Day Freeze Dried Food and Beef Bundle is the most cost-effective way to make sure you have well-rounded long-term shelf-life food on the market. It’s simple to prepare and tastes great! This bundle contains emergency food for 30 days for 1 person, or 1 week for 4 people. 3 full meals a day with an average of over 1300 calories is enough to keep you going through most emergencies. There’s also a 30 day meal schedule included in this kit to help with menu planning!

This Bundle Contains:

Augason Farms Fruit and Veggie Bundle


Dig into a delectable 206 servings of Augason Farms Dehydrated and Freeze-dried Fruit and Vegetables featuring a shelf life of up to 30 years! They’re incredibly easy to prepare and stuffed with vital nutrients like Vitamin C, and thanks to dehydration and freeze-drying technology there is no need for preservatives. That means everything included are wholesome and delicious 1-ingredient items.

Augason Farms Assorted Fruit Bundle


The Augason Farms Assorted Fruit Bundle is one of the tastiest ways to make sure you get as many essential micro-nutrients as possible in an emergency. This selection of dehydrated and freeze-dried fruits also doubles as an excellent addition to desserts and side dishes – it doesn’t have to be an emergency to eat convenient and tasty freeze-dried food!

Augason Farms Dehydrated Apple Slices


Augason Farms Apple Slices are perfect for both emergency preparedness and easy household snacks- give them a try today!

With a shelf-life of up to 25 years, these Apple Slices will always be there for you when you need them. Just add water, or rehydrate on your tongue!

Augason Farms Freeze-Dried Peas


Try out Freeze Dried Peas from Augason Farms with a 30 year shelf life conveniently packaged in a #10 can! Just add water and you have a nutritional addition to any meal. Looking for an ingredient list? Easy, it’s the title! Just pure and simple peas.

Augason Farms Dehydrated Bell Peppers


113 Servings of Freeze-Dried Diced Red & Green Bell Peppers with a 25 year shelf life conveniently packaged in a #10 can! Just add water and you have a nutritional addition to any meal. Looking for an ingredient list? Easy, it’s the title! Just pure and simple bell peppers.

Augason Farms Freeze-Dried Broccoli Florets


Just add water and you have delicious, hearty, and nutritious Broccoli Florets & Stems ready for your favourite recipes!

The 30-year shelf life is ideal for long term emergency food storage! These veggies can also be enjoyed at any time for a quick snack or side dish.

Augason Farms Freeze-Dried Sweet Corn


23 Servings of Freeze-Dried Sweet Corn with a 25 year shelf life conveniently packaged in a #10 can! Just add water and you have a nutritional addition to any meal. The ingredients are as simple as the title; just sweet and wholesome corn.

Augason Farms Freeze-Dried Blueberries


Either a healthy and tasty snack or a fun way to add something sweet to your emergency preparedness supplies, these freeze dried blueberries from Augason Farms have it all!

Augason Farms Dehydrated Banana Chips


Use these handy Augason Banana Chips anywhere you would use regular sliced bananas, or eat them straight from the tin for a crunchy, delicious snack. With a shelf life of up to 10 years these bananas are perfect for long-term food storage, but they’re so packed with great flavour you might find they’re gone long before that!

Augason Farms Dehydrated Potato Shreds


Just add water and you have delicious, hearty, Potato Slices ready for the grill, frying pan, oven, or pot!

The 25-year shelf life is ideal for long term emergency food storage! One pound of Dehydrated Potato Slices is approximately equal to FOUR pounds of fresh potatoes.

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