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21-30 Years

Augason Farms Assorted Fruit Bundle


The Augason Farms Assorted Fruit Bundle is one of the tastiest ways to make sure you get as many essential micro-nutrients as possible in an emergency. This selection of dehydrated and freeze-dried fruits also doubles as an excellent addition to desserts and side dishes – it doesn’t have to be an emergency to eat convenient and tasty freeze-dried food!

Augason Farms Freeze-Dried Peas


Try out Freeze Dried Peas from Augason Farms with a 30 year shelf life conveniently packaged in a #10 can! Just add water and you have a nutritional addition to any meal. Looking for an ingredient list? Easy, it’s the title! Just pure and simple peas.

Augason Farms Dehydrated Bell Peppers


113 Servings of Freeze-Dried Diced Red & Green Bell Peppers with a 25 year shelf life conveniently packaged in a #10 can! Just add water and you have a nutritional addition to any meal. Looking for an ingredient list? Easy, it’s the title! Just pure and simple bell peppers.

Augason Farms Freeze-Dried Sweet Corn


23 Servings of Freeze-Dried Sweet Corn with a 25 year shelf life conveniently packaged in a #10 can! Just add water and you have a nutritional addition to any meal. The ingredients are as simple as the title; just sweet and wholesome corn.

Augason Farms Freeze-Dried Blueberries


Either a healthy and tasty snack or a fun way to add something sweet to your emergency preparedness supplies, these freeze dried blueberries from Augason Farms have it all!

Augason Farms Dehydrated Potato Shreds


Just add water and you have delicious, hearty, Potato Slices ready for the grill, frying pan, oven, or pot!

The 25-year shelf life is ideal for long term emergency food storage! One pound of Dehydrated Potato Slices is approximately equal to FOUR pounds of fresh potatoes.

Augason Farms Freeze-Dried Strawberries


Add a little natural sweetness to your emergency preparedness with Freeze-Dried Sliced Strawberries.

With a shelf-life of up to 30 years these yummy berries give new meaning to long-term food storage. Just add water, or rehydrate on your tongue!

Augason Farms Dehydrated Diced Carrots


40 Servings of Dehydrated Diced carrots with a 25 year shelf life conveniently packaged in a #10 can! Just add water and you have a nutritional addition to any meal. Looking for an ingredient list? Easy, it’s the title! Just pure and simple Dehydrated Diced Carrots.

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