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11-20 Years

307 Serving 30 Day Emergency Food Supply


1,822 calories per day for 30 days, for a total of 54,660 calories.
307 servings of delicious easy-to-prepare emergency food for 1 person, or a family of 4 for one week, all packed in an easily transportable, watertight 7-gallon pail. This incredible food kit has over 29 pounds of compact just-add-water and cook meals. That’s a lot of food! Includes 3 meals a day plus snacks and drinks. It is disaster preparedness insurance for cabins, boats, and even to put in your vehicle. With a 20 year shelf life, the 307 Serving 30 Day Food Supply is the perfect choice for both long-term storage and daily meals.

KI Potassium Iodide Pills – RadBlock


In case of a radioactive disaster, Radblock Potassium Iodide Pills are a great item to have in your kit. If taken promptly and in the correct dose, they saturate your thyroid glands. This blocks radioactive iodines from being absorbed, reducing the risk of conditions like hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, and thyroid cancer from radioactive exposure.

We recommend using Radblock in combination with other protective measures like evacuation or sheltering in place.

Augason Farms 6 Month Emergency Food Supply


1,822 calories per day for 180 days, for a total of 327,960 calories.
1842 servings of delicious easy-to-prepare emergency food for 1 person, or a family of 3 for two months, all packed in easily transportable and watertight 7-gallon pails. This incredible food kit has over 175 pounds of compact just-add-water meals. That’s a lot of food! Includes 3 meals a day plus snacks and drinks. It can be disaster preparedness insurance for cabins, boats, or even to put in your vehicle. With an up to 20 year shelf life, the Augason Farms 6 Month Emergency Food Supply is the perfect choice for both long-term storage and daily meals.

Please allow up to 5 business days for processing.

Augason Farms 3 Month Emergency Food Supply


1,822 calories per day for 90 days, for a total of 163,980 calories.
921 servings of delicious easy-to-prepare emergency food for 1 person, or a family of 3 for one month, all packed in easily transportable and watertight 7-gallon pails. This incredible food kit has over 87 pounds of compact just-add-water meals. That’s a lot of food! Includes 3 meals a day plus snacks and drinks. It can be disaster preparedness insurance for cabins, boats, or even to put in your vehicle. With an up to 20 year shelf life, the Augason Farms 3 Month Emergency Food Supply is the perfect choice for both long-term storage and daily meals.

Please allow up to 5 business days for processing.

ReadyWise Emergency Freeze-Dried Fruit Variety – 120 Servings


Sweet, delicious, and full of nutritious vitamins and minerals, these freeze dried fruits make the perfect addition to your emergency food stores. With a shelf life of up to 20 years, you can rest assured that you’ll have pure, tasty fruits ready at the drop of a hat – without ever setting foot in a produce aisle!

Orders for this product are expected to ship the week of May 6.
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