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School & Classroom Kits

Total Prepare can custom build School & Classroom Kits. Take advantage of our bulk buying rates and call us for a quote. We do fundraising programs and coordinated group buys too!

Our student and school kits are designed with student and teacher needs in mind. Our classroom kits have 24 hours of supplies and ship in compact cardboard boxes. If you do not already have a storage solution in place, let us know and we’ll find the right choice to suit your needs.

We are happy to work with faculty or PACs and can customize to make your School & Classroom Kits just right!


72 Hour Individual Essentials Kit


This is the kind of kit you want to keep everywhere and give to every loved one. Affordably priced so you can buy multiple kits to keep in your car, desk or at school.

Are you a parent looking for an earthquake/emergency kit for your child to keep at school? This is the perfect kit for you and lasts for 5 years so you don’t have to keep gathering supplies every year.

This kit contains enough food and water for one person for 3 days. Contents may not be exactly as shown. Please see contents list below for details.

Basic Student Emergency Kit


The Basic Student Emergency Kit provides nut-free food, water, light, warmth and hygiene. Great for in a backpack or school locker. With two 400 calorie nut-free millennium energy bars and three 4 oz water pouches, your son or daughter will have enough food and water for a day in an emergency. The mylar reflective blanket will keep them warm by reflecting body heat and the wet naps clean those sticky or dirty hands and face. Complete with a lightstick if the lights go out. All food and water have a 5 year shelf life. Get yours today!


Economy Classroom Emergency Kit


Complete with a toilet, food, water, survival gear, first aid and much more, this Economy Classroom Emergency Kit provides everything a classroom of up to 30 students and staff will need for one day.

Please allow up to 5 business days for order processing.

Basic Classroom Emergency Kit


Complete with a toilet, food, water, survival gear, first aid and much more, this Basic Classroom Emergency Kit provides everything a classroom of up to 30 students and staff will need for one day in the event of a disaster such as an earthquake.

Please allow up to 5 business days for order processing.

Deluxe Classroom Emergency Kit


Complete with a toilet, food, water, survival gear, first aid and much more, this Deluxe Classroom Emergency Kit provides everything a classroom of up to 30 students and staff will need for one day in the event of a disaster such as an earthquake.

Please allow up to 5 business days for order processing.

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