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Total Prepare specializes in food for emergency preparedness that tastes great and boasts shelf lives of up to 30 years! Between all your food storage options, aim for a minimum of 1200 calories per person each day. 2000+ Calories is an ideal average. Want to learn more about calories and protein in an emergency? Check out our guide here.

Not sure what’s right for you? Use the filters to the left of the products to narrow down your choices. If you still have questions or would like some guidance, feel free to call our friendly and capable staff at 1-888-832-1733.

Freeze Dried Green Beans 150g


Delicious Freeze-Dried Green Beans, now in a 150 gram bag! It’s a perfect addition to any kit, or as an easy and delicious add-on for at-home meals.

They’re easy to prepare, and they’re an excellent nutritious snack, side dish, or ingredient. Plus, they’re lightweight and don’t require refrigeration – you can even take them camping, backpacking, or throw them in your emergency kit as a vitamin-rich way to shake up your diet!

Rehydration Ratio — 1 lb of freeze dried green beans, once rehydrated, equals approximately 11 lbs of fresh prepared cross cuts green beans.

Freeze Dried Cauliflower 100g


Delicious Freeze-Dried Cauliflower, now in a 100 gram bag! It’s a perfect addition to any kit, or as an easy and delicious add-on for at-home meals.

No preservatives, just good ol’ cauliflower. 100 grams of freeze dried products is a little over 11 cups, and equivalent to about 1.5kg of fresh produce.

Freeze Dried Raspberries 300g


Delicious Freeze-Dried Raspberries, now in a 300 gram bag! They’re a perfect addition to any kit, or as an easy and delicious add-on for at-home meals.

Hydrate by soaking for 5 minutes in hot or cold water, and then drain. Alternatively, eat them dry as a tasty treat, in a trail mix, or with cereals and desserts for a crunchy topping! Freeze dried food is very lightweight, so 300 grams is equivalent to about 2.1 kg of fresh fruit!

Freeze Dried Strawberries 250g


250g of delicious Freeze-Dried Strawberries! The perfect addition to a kit, or a sweet add-on for at-home meals.

Rehydrate in 5 minutes, or devour them as is for a fruity, crunchy snack! They’re also very lightweight with a good rehydration yield (1oz dehydrated is approximately 1.5 cups rehydrated!), making them perfect for camping, backpacking, and travelling!

Freeze Dried Blueberries 300g


Delicious Freeze-Dried Blueberries, now in a 300 gram bag! They’re a perfect addition to any kit, or as an easy and delicious snack.

Eat them dry on their own for a healthy snack, in trail mix, cereal, or desserts. To hydrate, just soak in water for 5 minutes then drain.


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