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West Coast Kitchen Chili Con Carne


West Coast Kitchen Chili Con Carne is a fantastic portable meal – delicious, lightweight, and packs a flavourful little bite of heat! All this with a 5-year shelf life? Absolutely!

Each pouch is one serving.

Try Chili Con Carne today – it’s hand-made in Canada!

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Try West Coast Kitchen Chili Con Carne today!

Chili Con Carne is our spicy adventure favourite. It’s a delicious mouthwatering chili with a little bite to excite your taste buds! Not only a perfect camping companion, these meal pouches can also be a perfect addition to your emergency kit or existing food stores. The 5-year shelf life also means you won’t need to replace these meals often – as long as you can resist eating them!

Chili Con Carne means “Chili with Meat” in Spanish. Each pouch has a generous helping of ground beef to make sure it’s delicious, nutritious, and packed with protein. Additionally, the freeze-drying process allows the food to become extremely light-weight and portable while not sacrificing taste. This makes freeze-dried food perfect for life on the go – be it in a van, on a motorcycle, hiking, or a busy day at home!

In order to optimize your emergency preparedness, consider adding these pouches to a backpack kit. Pairing them with a kit such as our Urban 72hr 2-Person Backpack makes for a delicious way to make sure your nutritional needs are met in any situation!


  1. Open pouch and remove oxygen absorber from pouch contents.
  2. Prepare in pouch or other suitable container.
  3. Add 200mL (1 cup) boiling water or fill pouch to line 8 as indicated on the front.
  4. Stir well.
  5. Reseal pouch or cover and let sit for 10 minutes.
  6. Stir again and serve – enjoy your meal!


Lean ground beef, Pinto beans, Diced tomato, Onion, Carrots, Celery, Garlic, Tomato paste (gluten free), Sunflower oil, Chicken stock (gluten free), Cocoa powder, Chili powder, Cumin, Tumeric, Black pepper.

Boeuf haché allongé, Haricots pinto, Tomate en dé, Oignon, Carottes, Céleris, L’ail, Pâte de tomate (sans gluten), Huile de tournesol, Bouillon de Poulet (sans gluten), Poudre de cacao, Poudre de chili, Sel himalayen, Paprika, Origan, Cumin, Curcuma, Poivre noir.


  • Tomato
  • Beef
  • Cocoa Powder


Additional information

0.2 lbs


10 × 8 × 0.5 in

Shelf Life

1-5 Years


Dairy Free , Entrée Only , Gluten Free

Made in Canada Made in Canada

Made in Canada

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