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Legacy 2880 Serving Emergency Food Kit


2880 Large Premium Servings

When you look at the sheer amount of emergency food in this Package it is hard to imagine ever finding yourself in a food crisis or shortage. This generous package from Legacy Premium provides a whopping 2880 large, premium servings at a great value, which is no small feat.

Package Information

Total Servings: 2,880
Total Weight: 752 lbs
Total Calories: 1,151,040
Serving Size: 1.5 cups


How do I know how much freeze dried emergency food I need?

Legacy 4320 Serving Emergency Food Kit


4320 Large Premium Servings

When you stop to consider how much food storage comes in the Premium 4320 Serving Package by Legacy it is obvious that this is the ultimate in survival food preparedness and long term insurance food. Purchasing a package of this size leaves no question that you are prepared.

Package Information

Total Servings: 4,320
Total Weight: 1128 lbs
Total Calories: 1,726,560
Serving Size: 1.5 cups

How do I know how much freeze dried emergency food I need?

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