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Augason Farms has been a leader in the food storage industry for over 40 years. During this time, this family-owned enterprise has grown to produce over 400 high-quality and nutritious food storage products that stand the test of time.

They are passionate about developing products that are delicious and nutritional. Their food storage products defy the perception that extended shelf-life is synonymous with bland and boring. With Augason, that is far from the case. In fact, many customers don’t wait for an emergency to enjoy Augason Farms foods. It’s their go-to source for last minute, easy-prep, and great tasting meals. And with a 20 year shelf life, you can be worry-free for a very long time!

Add Augason Farms to your to your table today! It’s your solution for long-term food storage, short-term emergency preparedness, easy-to-prepare foods for daily enjoyment, and delicious meals for outdoor adventures.

*Please note that Imperial (CDN) cups are larger than US cups and adjust accordingly when boiling water for your delicious freeze dried food.*

Augason Farms Dehydrated Diced Carrots

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