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21-30 Years

ReadyWise 16 Serving Sample Pack


Try delicious Readuwise freeze dried meals with this 16 serving sample pack! Each sample pack includes four servings each of one breakfast and three entree options randomly chosen from available Readywise stock. Each meal is different so you can try a variety of Readywise offerings without investing in a large package. Pouches have a 25 year shelf life and are best stored in a cool consistent temperature.

Legacy 16 Serving Emergency Food Sample Pack


16 Large Premium Servings

Try Legacy Foods with this 16 Serving Sample Pack, including 4 delicious meals.  This option to try-before-you-buy larger quantities lets you see for yourself how delicious and simple long term food storage meals can be. This sample pack is also great for camping, hiking, boating or even for augmenting your 72 hour emergency kit.

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