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21-30 Years

Augason Farms Fruit and Veggie Bundle


Dig into a delectable 206 servings of Augason Farms Dehydrated and Freeze-dried Fruit and Vegetables featuring a shelf life of up to 30 years! They’re incredibly easy to prepare and stuffed with vital nutrients like Vitamin C, and thanks to dehydration and freeze-drying technology there is no need for preservatives. That means everything included are wholesome and delicious 1-ingredient items.

Augason Farms Assorted Fruit Bundle


The Augason Farms Assorted Fruit Bundle is one of the tastiest ways to make sure you get as many essential micro-nutrients as possible in an emergency. This selection of dehydrated and freeze-dried fruits also doubles as an excellent addition to desserts and side dishes – it doesn’t have to be an emergency to eat convenient and tasty freeze-dried food!

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