It’s Time for the Great BC Shake Out!
Once a year, families, workplaces and organizations across British Columbia practice Earthquake preparedness in a unified event that reminds everyone of the basic safety tenets of earthquakes. If you’re not already involved, consider registering today!
On October 20 at 10:20am millions of people worldwide will be practicing how to drop, cover and hold on. If you’re in another Canadian province, or live in another country, you can still participate! It’s the perfect opportunity for everyone to get involved and have conversations around earthquake preparedness—no matter where you live, work or travel.
So far, more than 21.7 million people are participating, worldwide!
Once you’ve registered, you may want to do some research so that you can contribute meaningful and helpful knowledge to the conversations that will inevitably arise after you all climb out from under your desks, or tables, or what have you.
You might even want to start your research by perusing a blog that’s all about earthquakes, with a focus on BC. Or perhaps a look at our government’s collection of resources on the topic.
Of course, the event is also a wonderful opportunity to learn, so keep your ears open to new information and resources, too.
Please also consider taking a photo during your event and tweeting at @TotalPrepare with #ShakeoutBC! We’d love to hear how your shake out went!
 -Article contributed by Sophie Wooding – Avid gardener and cyclist in Victoria, BC and Content Writer for