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Take the Grayl Ultralite Anywhere!


At Total Prepare, we recognize that spending money on purchases that you’re going to stick in your closet until the next emergency can be a bit anticlimactic. When you buy something new, it’s fun to be able to use it!

We’ve recently added the Grayl Ultralite Purifier & Filter to our stock of amazing emergency supply products, and this is one of those items that doesn’t need to be stored away until an emergency occurs.

Do you like to camp? Do you like to travel?

Well, if you’re an adventurer and you love exploring beautiful and exotic places where the water sources are a little less than desirable, a trusty water filter and purifier is just the tool for you.

The Grayl Ultralite is ready for global travel and outdoor adventure and if you’ve “practiced” using it a bunch, you’ll be as ready-to-go as possible in the event of an emergency. The process is quick, taking only 15 seconds for a total 2 liters per minute. Simply fill, press down the filter and drink.

What does it remove?

  • Removes pathogens.
  • Removes 99.9999% of viruses (e.g. Hepatitis A, SARS, Rotavirus).
  • Removes 99.9999% of disease-causing bacteria (e.g. E. coli, Salmonella).
  • Removes 99.999% of protozoan cysts (e.g. Giardia).

What does it improve?

  • Improves health.
  • Improves flavor.
  • Improves odor & clarity.
  • Filters particulates (e.g. sediment, silt).
  • Filters many chemicals (e.g. chlorine, benzene).
  • Filters heavy metals (e.g. lead, arsenic).

Whatever you end up using your Grayl Ultralite for, you’ll be glad you’ve got it when you’re feeling refreshed, replenished and healthy in a situation that could be much, much less comfortable.

 -Article contributed by Sophie Wooding – Avid gardener and cyclist in Victoria, BC and Content Writer for Frontier.io

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