Emergency Preparedness: Not Just for the Zombie Apocalypse

Once upon a time if you were the sort of person who kept two years worth of food in the form of MRE’s, canned peaches, and freeze-dried meals, you might have been called a nut job by some of the less understanding members of the public. Nowadays, maybe because of programs like “The Walking Dead” and the recurring joke of “The Zombie Apocalypse” it’s become more acceptable to have a Bug Out Bag stashed in your car, a storage of essential supplies, and a basement bunker.

Preparedness has never been a bad thing. After all, as the adage goes: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” To throw my own spin on it, however, I might add that penicillin ain’t much good on a bear bite. The first step in emergency preparedness is that decision to be active and be ready for come what may, rather than reactive and be taken at a disadvantage. This doesn’t mean you have to be qualified in getaway driving and attend an urban assault course- emergency preparedness can be as simple as having road flares and a set of jumper cables in the trunk of your car.

Life presents us with all kinds of emergencies, some more drastic than others. But no matter how big or small the emergency we face, having the correct tools on hand can make dealing with a situation that much easier. But what tools do you need?

Most of us, I’m sure, can’t afford to buy every tool and gadget out there to prepare for every emergency. We must make concessions, and that to me becomes the most important decision once you’ve made the step to become prepared. You must ask yourself: “What type of emergencies should I prepare for?” Think about the activities you do most often, and the possible dangers associated. If you frequently take long road trips having jumper cables and perhaps some food, water, and a blanket, as well as a cell phone would be the first items on your list. If you live in a remote area you might consider a generator in case of a power outage, as well as water reserves. If you’re diabetic you would probably begin with extra insulin and a stash of food.

The key to emergency preparedness is to be realistic about what needs you have and what you absolutely will need to have to survive if you are cut off from help. Everybody’s needs in an emergency will be different so think carefully about what you need on a daily basis.

Friday Roundup – Communication, zombies and insurance

Moving into the month of June, activity seems to be increasing with emergency preparedness around North America.  Is it due to economic unrest in Europe or the continued wild weather?  This weeks roundup includes an article on mobile communications and earthquakes, the CDC denying the existence of Zombies and the Insurance industries take on disaster preparation.

First up is the headline, Mobile communications and earthquakes: a very “disturbing” marriage.  My first thought is: what??  Mobile communications would be the ideal marriage from first glance.   The author,  Armand Vervaeck from Earthquake-Report.com a website that follows and has reported on every major earthquake over the last 12 months, has concluded that communication problems are one of the recurring problems that exist.   Armand explains the major problem is mobile connectivity after a quake and lists the 3 main results from this.  He goes on to layout an effective way that the authorities and Networks can manage behaviour after an earthquake.  Very interesting reading and solutions that CAN work. (This article is no longer hosted online, however a similar study may be found here.)

We move on to the Zombie news item that left me a little perplexed.  The article is called “CDC Denies Existence of Zombies Despite Cannibal Incidents”.  I was really unsure if this was tongue in cheek or not.  If it was, it was more than a little “zombie” off colour.   These were actual events that happened with very disturbed people.  Regardless, the CDC has continued the theme with their Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse.  Have fun ya’ll.

Finishing the week we have a look at how the Insurance industry is weighing in on emergency preparedness.  The good folks over at InsuranceNews.net bring us the following headline:  “Insurance is Key to Disaster Preparation”.   This was issued by the Texas Department of Insurance at the beginning of the official Hurricane season.  They make some great tips and observations from creating a home inventory to checking your policy.  They have even created an app called the myHOME Scr.APP.book.  It can be downloaded via iTunes.  Just search “NAIC”.





Friday Roundup – Zombie preparedness, video and a blog

How awesome is a “Zombie Preparedness Week”?  Emergency Info BC has been busy and active with their Zombie Tips video series.  They tweet under the handle @EmergencyInfoBC and provide updates on Earthquakes, Floods, Wildfires and other natural disasters that are occurring.  This weeks tweets have included links to their Zombie videos that are humorous and have attracted widespread media attention.

The opening video was this Zombie vs little girl piece.  What a great kickoff to the series.  Everyday another Zombie Tip video was added with this one on Wednesday.  I believe that this campaign (following on the heels of a US campaign on the same theme) has raised the awareness level a lot higher, resonating with the younger generation.  Well done!

A good blogger, page titled There’s A Storm Coming… are you prepared? wrote this very well researched, linked and written article.   In it he brings the points home about the unexpected results of something going wrong and the importance of being prepared.  His concluding scenario of a drive home and finding your normal route being blocked due to a catastrophe is particularly poignant.   Definitely a blogger to bookmark and follow.