Be Prepared for Emergencies

Disaster can strike at any time, and because emergencies are unpredictable, it’s a good idea to prepare in advance by keeping 72-hour survival kits handy for you and your family.

Sometimes referred to as a “bug out bag,” a 72-hour survival kit contains the basic supplies that you need to survive over a period of three days. You may need to evacuate with barely any notice if there is a fire, flood or other natural disaster. A medical emergency or terrorist attack in your area may require you to leave home within minutes of getting the word from authorities. You won’t have time to pack up enough food, water, clothing, medicine and other items in time. Even if do manage to keep calm, it would be difficult to grab everything you need in the face of disaster. It’s far better to plan ahead. With your 72-hour survival kit near the front door of your home, you can grab it in seconds when authorities sound the call for evacuation.

Imagine going through a natural disaster and finding that there is no electricity, water or food. Stores could be out of basic supplies, and there may be no fuel for your vehicle to enable you to find another place to purchase needed goods. If you can drive, the roads may still be so packed with other fleeing people that you won’t be able to get to another location that may have the supplies you require.

If you are too busy to prepare your own survival kits, you can purchase them from stores specializing in emergency preparedness supplies. Kits typically include two liters of water for each person for each day, as well as packaged foods such as dehydrated meals and canned items, along with a can opener. They also have a first aid kit, batteries, a flashlight and a radio.

However, don’t rely on a prepackaged bug out bag to meet all of your specific needs. For example, if you wear glasses or contact lenses, you will want to include a spare pare in case you break or lose your eyewear. Make a list of all the prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications that you need to take every day, and add three days worth to your bag. If you are evacuating with pets, you need to make sure you bring food and water for them as well, along with any prescription drugs that require for survival. Your emergency kit should also include cash in case the banks are closed and the bank machines aren’t working.

Preparing for a disaster may be unnerving, but it’s better than you and your loved ones going through an emergency without the basic supplies that you need to survive.