Staying Safe During the Holiday Season Part Four – Outdoor Safety

In our current series, Staying Safe During the Holiday Season, we’ve been talking about extra safety precautions to take during this time of year, whether you’re creating a bright and cozy atmosphere in your home, giving gifts, or jetting away to a getaway vacation. Today we want to wrap up our holiday safety series with some tips on things to think about when you’re enjoying the great outdoors during the holidays.

As we all know, nature can be beautiful and terrifying at the same time. Snow can smell like fairy dust, sound like peace and look like heaven, especially if you live in the country, but out on the streets, it can wreak havoc for those who are driving.

There a lot of reasons to leave the house during the holiday season, whether it’s to shop, decorate or celebrate! Here are some ways to stay safe:

  1. Christmas Shopping – whether online or in person – can be a hazard in itself nowadays, because of identity theft. If you’re shopping online, it’s best to do a little research on the company you’re buying from, and look for trustmarks on their website (such as the Better Business Bureau) before giving away your credit card or other information. Even if you’re shopping in a physical store, it’s wise to keep a close eye on the cards you use, and make sure no one is looking over your shoulder or swiping your card more times than they need to.
  2. When you’re out celebrating at a friend’s house, or at a restaurant, it can be easy to get carried away with the festivities. If you’ve had anything to drink, you should consider getting a ride home in a taxi or with a sober friend. You should also check out Operation Red Nose for a free ride home or perhaps a way to volunteer over the season and keep your community safe!
  3. When you’re putting up outdoor decorations, it’s best to leave the roof and ladders alone if there’s ice and snow.
  4. If you’re planning to drive, keep an ear tuned into your local weather station and make sure your vehicle is outfitted with winter tires and ready to brave ice and snow. If you’re uncomfortable driving in the weather conditions you’re facing, consider making alternate plans. It’s a good idea to give yourself extra time to get places, too!

These are just a few more ways that you can ensure your safety this holiday season! Don’t forget to check out our other articles and special products designed with your well-being in mind!


Article contributed by Sophie Wooding – Avid gardener and cyclist in Victoria, BC and Content Writer for