How to Stay Strong After You Survive a Disaster

Stay strong when surrounded by adversity

Wikimedia Commons/ Svklimkin

When we say “stay strong,” we mean both physically and mentally because both are equally important when it comes to surviving the long haul that can come after a big disaster.

Below, we’ve shared a few tips to help you prepare for physical and mental strength during an emergency. Feel free to copy or print out this list to keep with you in your emergency supply kit!

Keeping up Your Mental Strength

  • Talk to people who have been through traumatic situations and find out where their strength came from. Asking if they had any mantras that helped get them through might be useful, and then you can consider using them yourself if you ever need to.
  • If you appreciate prayer, an emergency situation is exactly the time when you might find it a very healing, reassuring and comforting process.
  • Get good at a favourite card or board game, so that you can teach it to others if you are stuck somewhere taking shelter and are waiting for danger to pass. It’s a good idea to bring a game with you to take your mind of things, so that you don’t find yourself caught in a negative thought spiral.
  • Help others as much as possible, to keep your mind off of the danger you are in.
  • Do everything in your power to find time for sleep. Pack earplugs if need be!
  • Everything you do to maximize your comfort during an uncomfortable situation will help keep your mind healthy and calm.


Keeping up Your Physical Strength

  • Exercise regularly in your daily life so that if you need to walk a long distance or even swim, climb or hike—you’ll be as ready as possible. It’s not a bad idea to include upper body strengthening exercises in your regimen, so that you’re more ready to carry heavy packs.
  • Consider the nutritional value of the food in your emergency supply kit. Consider adding food with strengthening nutrients like extra iron and protein. Our six month meat kit might be just the thing!
  • Once in awhile, consider throwing off your regular fitness routine by doing something a little wild. For example, carry a pack into the woods for a swift uphill hike and try to surprise your own body.

You may have an idea of the strengths you already possess and feel like you’d be more likely to have a mental breakdown during an emergency, rather than grow weak physically. Or vice versa. So consider the instruments (your body and your mind) you’re working with when you do your planning. Ideally, you want to feel as strong as possible, all round!

Remember, even just by mentally preparing, writing lists and talking to others, you’re putting yourself one step ahead! Please feel free to add your own comments below, about what you’re doing to prepare mentally and physically.

 -Content created by Sophie Wooding – Writer, gardener, cyclist and emergency preparedness enthusiast!