Snowshoeing, Winter Camping, Glacier Hiking: The Rewards of the Season
Snow tires, shoveling the driveway, and frigid temperatures, that’s what many people think of when winter sets in. There are, however, those that look forward to the many adventures that only winter has to offer. Of these, winter camping is quickly becoming a sport that is growing in popularity. Most first-time winter campers hail the incredible beauty of snow covered mountains and trails along with the serenity and solitude that comes with sites that are not crowded with people.
Before you set out to experience the pristine nature of any backcountry, wilderness camping, there are a few important tips that will keep you safe, hydrated, properly nourished and warm. The first step when traveling away from civilization is to have a plan of where you will be going. Write down your plan and be as specific as possible, making several copies; one to keep in the car, one for a close friend or relative and if camping within a park, one for the park’s management. Be sure to include the date that you expect to return. This way, if something unexpected happens, the right emergency personnel will know where to find you.
Staying warm means having the right clothing as well as the right sleeping bag and shelter; ones that are specifically designed for cold weather adventures. Clothing should consist of two different categories; one for hiking or walking along trails and another for wearing while you are actually at your campsite. Appropriate trail clothing must protect you from the elements and keep you warm but must be breathable. Layering is important as it allows you to add layers or remove them as you feel colder and warmer. Synthetic is typically the best choice as it will draw moisture away from your body. As camp life tends to be less active, layers with more insulation is recommended.
Quality sleeping bags that are designed for spring, summer and fall can easily be adapted by layering it with a specialty liner to keep warmth in. As for shelter, tarps are a must whether you are using a winter tent or a three-season tent. Candle lanterns are safe, easy to use, and will add light, help dry the air and add a little warmth.
Drinking water and the right food are also essential especially on multi-day trips. Both hiking and the cold will use up precious energy, so the food you carry needs to be higher in calories, tasty, nutritious, and easy to prepare. From easy to pack cooking solutions to entrees and freeze-dried meat packages that pack easily without creating excessive weight, Total Prepare has meal solutions for any type of backcountry adventures. From cooking equipment to first aid and even waste management systems, the experts at Total Prepare can help you choose which products will best suit your next adventure. So don’t hide from winter, get out there, have fun, and enjoy the unique experiences that only the winter months can give you.