Your Quick Camping Survival Guide (Part 7: Practice Makes Safety)
Here are just a few ideas to make your life a little tougher for a couple days, but for a good cause!
- Try building a fire without matches, newspaper or kindling from home.
- Find a good water source and use one of the lifestraw water filters that we have in stock at Total Prepare. Only use your back-up water reserves in the case of an actual emergency.
- Try building your own shelter instead of using a tent.
- Bring a book that tells you about wild edibles in your region, and try some food foraging! Of course, you’ll need to practice extreme caution and do your research thoroughly, in case of poisonous plants. Make sure you bring back-up food in case you can’t find any growing in the wild.
- If you’re licensed and it’s legal in your area, try fishing or hunting for your sustenance. Get creative!
Besides schooling yourself on these skills on a self-prepared camping trip, you can prepare yourself through other means too. You can find an abundance of Wilderness Survival Training camps and Outdoor Education across Canada. Check out this page for a list to start you off if you’re interested in taking action and getting prepared through wilderness education.
Finally, and just as importantly, try to get your friends and family excited about what you’re learning! Share about why you think wilderness skills and emergency preparedness are important, and even offer to organize wilderness and camping events if you’re up for it. Sometimes, sharing your knowledge with others is the best way to remind and teach yourself!
Article contributed by Sophie Wooding – Avid gardener and cyclist in Victoria, BC and Content Writer for