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MCI Ready + Vests Triage Training Kit


The ultimate Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) training kit is here! It comes complete with everything you need to create a comprehensive training experience. Watch the included “MCI The Movie” DVD with your team and then use the included tools to practice what was taught. Several components can also be used in the field for live events.

Key Features:

► Simulates a realistic triage training experience

► Printed on Waterproof / Blood Proof Synthetic Paper

► S.T.A.R.T. Triage Training Wheel for Easy Method of Learning S.T.A.R.T. Triage

► MCI the Movie teaches core concepts of S.T.A.R.T. Triage and the roles and tools used for each position

► Full list below


This comprehensive kit contains everything needed to teach and perfect effective triage skills for any first responder. The MCI Ready Training kit was designed to simulate a disaster response utilizing tabletop-sized tarps and victims and promote hands-on learning.  Adult victim cards overcome the need for the trainer to come up with patient conditions and symptoms that match the drill and test the responder. Mini treatment tarps and the triage training wheel allows students to easily comprehend the S.T.A.R.T. process and its algorithm. A “must have” for any triage training program.

What’s included in your kit:

  • 9 Vests (Choice of Dynamic or Window Vests)
  • 32 Adult Victim Cards (DMS-05843)
  • 32 Lanyards
  • Ambulatory Stands
  • 4 Mini Treatment Tarps (DMS-06210)
  • Pad of 25 IC Worksheets (DMS-06078)
  • 16 Laminated Prompt Cards
  • EMT3® Instructional Flip Chart (DMS-05785)
  • Instructor’s Quickstart
  • 10 EMT3® Instructional Pamphlets (DMS-05809)
  • 50 All Risk® Triage Tags (DMS-05420)
  • EMT3® Go-Kit with Full Contents (DMS-05778)
  • 6-Bay Ribbon Dispenser Bag (DMS-05763)
  • Pad of 25 MCI command Worksheets (DMS-05562)
  • MCI The Movie DVD w/ Bonus Training Content (DMS-06025)
  • Triage Training Wheel (DMS-05930)
  • Rolling Duffel (DMS-06082)


Vest Positions Included:

Choice of Dynamic or Window Vests

  • Triage Unit Leader (Blue Vest)
  • Treatment Unit Leader (Blue Vest)
  • Minor Treatment Manager (Green Vest)
  • Delayed Treatment Manager (Yellow Vest)
  • Immediate Treatment Manager (Immediate Vest)
  • Morgue Manager (Black Vest)
  • Medical Communications Coordinator (Blue Vest)
  • Ground Ambulance Coordinator (Blue Vest)
  • Patient Transportation Unit Leader (White Vest)

Additional information

Dynamic Vests


Window Vests

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