Magnetic Mount for Element Fire Extinguisher


Keep your Element E50 Fire Extinguisher in easy reach with this handy magnetic mount. Attaches easily for storage:

  • On the fridge
  • In the garage
  • In machine shops
  • The side of a tool chest
  • Any surface a magnet would stick to!

(Mount only, click here for the Element E50 Fire Extinguisher.)

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Keeping a fire extinguisher to hand is easier than ever with this magnetic mounting clip. The Element E50 Fire Extinguisher is smaller, lighter, and more effective than traditional 5lbs models. It stores well just about anywhere. With this magnetic mount, you can easily affix an Element E50 to any surface a magnet would stick to. This is perfect for professionals working in environments full of equipment and appliances that are 1) magnetic and 2) fire hazards.

The magnet is strong enough to securely hold to surfaces, keeping your Element E50 nearby while still being out of the way. Comes in a bright silver plated finish.

This product is the magnetic mount only – extinguisher not included. 

Reasons to invest in an Element E50 Extinguisher:Element E50 Fire Extinguisher types of fires small

  • 80% smaller than 5lb fire extinguishers
  • Lightweight (230g)
  • Weatherproof (stores fine in hot cars or near vibrations!)
  • Safe to use
  • Mess Free
  • Indefinite shelf life
  • No servicing required
  • Easy to use
  • Puts out class A, B, C, and K fires
    • Wood, Coal, Trash
    • Flammable liquids and gasses
    • Electrical fire up to 100,000 volts
    • Cooking oil and grease

Firefighters and the government of Canada recommend having at least one fire extinguisher per household. Traditional extinguishers need to be inspected annually and only last 10-12 years. The Element E50 Fire Extinguisher lasts indefinitely and does not require any servicing. It also discharges for 50 seconds – 4x longer than a 5lb extinguisher bottle – giving you plenty of time to deal with any small fires.

Element E50 Fire Extinguishers leave no mess and aren’t toxic. The components biodegrade too, making it more environmentally friendly than traditional models. Discharging the E50 won’t spread oil or liquid fires either, thanks to its no pressure discharge. Each unit has the 4 step, easy to follow instructions printed on the side:

Element E50 Fire Extinguisher how to use

Buy the Element E50 Fire Extinguisher here.

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