Be Prepared – More Than Just a Catchy Slogan
Do you have a plan for you and your family in case of an emergency? After a natural disaster hits it can be difficult for first responders to get to everyone who needs help in a timely fashion. It’s common to be without water or electricity for a prolonged period of time. Making sure you are able to provide for your family for a few days or even a few weeks is easy if you plan ahead.
One of the first things you need to know is exactly what and how much you should be storing in the way of food, water, first aid, etc for the number of people in your home. Making sure that everyone is getting the required amount of calories, protein and water each day doesn’t need to be a guessing game with the right type and amount of food. Your stored supplies should also be easy to access, take up a minimal amount of space, and easy to move if need be. Being prepared for any type of emergency is the best way to keep your loved ones safe.
It is certainly comforting to know that all levels of government and many non-profit agencies have plans that they can put into action immediately following a natural disaster or unexpected emergency. Coming up with a list of priorities took time and planning to achieve. The most important plan however is the one that individuals and families make to protect their own safety and well-being along with those of their loved ones.
Unfortunately, as we have seen from events like the floods in Calgary and the ice-storm in Ontario and Quebec, getting help within 72 hours is often not possible. A growing number of emergency preparedness experts advise that supplies of at least one week should be the minimum requirement for all households.
Knowing exactly what to do before, during and after an emergency will go a long in way helping you and your loved ones stay safe. There may also be instances where you must flee your home immediately thus leaving behind your stored survival items. Having a “Grab-n-Go” kit handy will help alleviate added stress and panic should you need to leave in a hurry.
Another important fact to keep in mind is that Canada is a huge country with enormous geographical diversity. Where floods or earthquakes are rare or virtually non-existent in one part of the country, they will be more common in other parts. Know where you live and the likelihood of specific occurrences in your area by going to your province’s and/or city’s emergency preparedness website.
As Canadians, we know that in the event of an emergency, our government has put in place services to ensure our safety. Our job as citizens is to make sure we are prepared when those services are not able to reach us in short order. It’s easy to panic if you are not prepared and don’t have a plan of action, so begin putting your personal plan of action into place now when you are not stressed about how to keep you and your family safe.