Prepare for Hiking or Camping Adventures

Hiking is a great way to keep fit and a favourite pass time throughout much of the country especially in mountainous regions such as western Canada. The solitude, communing with nature and the majestic beauty of the wilderness is an ideal way to unwind and leave the stresses of day-to-day life behind. But when planning a hiking or camping trip into the back country, even if it’s just for a day or two, safety has to be the number one priority. Even as experienced hikers will tell you, it doesn’t take much to lose one’s bearings and veer off a path.

Making the most of and enjoying your adventure will depend on how well you have prepared for the trip as well as the supplies in your backpack. The premium 1 or 2 person survival kit from Total Prepare will ensure that even if you run into trouble, you will have the provisions to keep you safe and warm with food and water for at least 72 hours. Pairing your survival gear with an emergency food bucket can extend your supplies even longer.

These Deluxe food, water, and stove kits have been designed to provide you with all you need should the unexpected happen or if you simply want to extend your hiking or camping adventure. Each kit contains:

  • 16 servings of 100% GMO free Legacy Premium meals
  • 400 calorie energy bars
  • Stove in a can
  • Collapsible water container
  • AquaTabs
  • Water tight 15 litre carrying pail

These items can be crucial in any emergency situation or wilderness adventure and when combined with the Premium Survival Kit will ensure your comfort, safety, and survival for an extended period of time.

While these kits are perfect for your next backcountry adventure, they are also highly recommended to be included as part of your home emergency supplies. Natural and man-made emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere; being prepared ahead of time is the best way to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones. As we have seen in the past, staying in your home and riding out an emergency is not always possible and in some cases, a quick evacuation is necessary. If each person in your household has their own survival backpack, having to leave your home in a hurry does not have to add undue stress to an already difficult situation. When purchasing survival backpacks it’s a good idea to add one or two, either for an elderly relative or to have an extra one on hand in the event that you have extra people in your home when an emergency occurs.