How to Prepare for Daylight Savings Darkness
Daylight Savings is practiced by most regions of North America and Europe as well as some in the Middle East and elsewhere, so us British Columbians are not alone in this transition. First, it’s good to mentally prepare yourself for the time change ahead of time. At the very least, remember to set your clock back the night before, so you’re on time for morning appointments on the first day of the time change. I’m sure most of us have a story or two we could share about forgetting to change our clocks…
Second, get ready for those deeply dark evenings. Even your commute home from work may be plunged suddenly into darkness. You can prepare to be safe in the dark by ensuring that your car’s lights are all working properly (both inside and out), and that they’re bright enough for you to see ahead comfortably while you drive. If you commute on your bike, it’s the perfect time to charge up your bike lights, perhaps invest in a new one for your helmet or wheels (the more lights the better). And if you’re walking, even if it’s mostly on the sidewalk, consider wearing a reflective vest or armbands. You may feel like a dork but what you’re really being is smart.
It’s also a good idea to make sure the lights at the outer entry of your home are working. And if you have any dark gates to unlock, perhaps pack along a mini flashlight throughout the winter.
On the flip side, Daylight Savings may inspire you to wake up earlier with the added morning sunlight and take advantage of everything you can get done as an early riser! It can’t be all bad.
Whether you’re a fan of Daylight Savings or not, it’s a reality, so it’s a good idea to make sure you’re prepared to survive the darkness.
 -Article contributed by Sophie Wooding – Avid gardener and cyclist in Victoria, BC and Content Writer for