Get Prepared to Stay Warm When the Power Goes Out

Downed Power Lines

During the warmer months, freak storms and power outages can be exciting adventures. But in the cold months, we have to take them more seriously. In northern Canadian regions especially, power outages that last more than a day can be deadly—as people begin to panic and think less clearly in their attempts to stay warm.

It’s important to note that gas-powered generators and charcoal barbecues release Carbon Monoxide that can silently kill those who breathe enough of it in, in a closed-off area such as a home, apartment or garage.

However, with today’s technology and the use of nature’s energy, generators exist that will allow you to ditch the noise, fumes and gasoline and enjoy good, clean energy.

Take our Goal Zero Yeti 1250 Solar Generator for example. You can back up your electricity in a safe and sustainable way, without having to worry about your fuel resources running out.

You can charge this generator via a compatible solar panel, or you can charge it on a threateningly stormy day through an electrical outlet, or even through your car.

If you live in a region where storms and power outages are frequently disrupting your day-to-day, consider a back up for your energy! You’ll find yourself in a fewer tight spots if you do.

Yeti 1250 is perfect for power outages If you aren’t in a place to purchase a generator right now, at least read these few tips on what to do when the power goes out:

  • Check in with your neighbours. (If somehow you’re the only one without power, you may want to check your circuit breaker panel or fuse box, as well as the service wires leading to your house.)
  • Call your local utility company to report the power outage.
  • Turn off all tools, appliances and electronic equipment and turn down the thermostat.
  • Turn off all lights except one inside and one outside, so you can tell when power has been restored.
  • As mentioned above, NEVER use charcoal or gas barbecues, camping heating equipment or home generators indoors. Carbon Monoxide is life-threatening especially because you can’t smell or see it.
  • Use proper candle holders when using candles. Even better, use flashlights and lanterns.
  • Use a crank or solar-powered radio for information and advice from the experts and authorities.
  • Consider gathering everyone from your home into one area of the house that you can close off. This should help keep you warm.
  • If you don’t already, consider getting surge protectors for your sensitive electrical appliances.
  • More importantly, get your home a working Carbon Monoxide detector.

For more tips from authorities and experts on power outages in your region, please visit the government’s Get Prepared website and ensure that you’ll be ready for winter, whenever its fiercest storm strikes.

 -Article contributed by Sophie Wooding – Avid gardener and cyclist in Victoria, BC and Content Writer for