Friday Roundup – Video, burgers and courses
This weeks roundup includes a cute video, a mouthwatering burger recipe and another City highlighting Emergency Preparedness Week.
The first item is a video titled “My Family’s Be Prepared Tale” produced for Emergency Preparedness Week by the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.
Cute video voiced over by a little girl. Â Being prepared gives your loved ones the peace and security that their immediate needs will be met for at least the first 72 hours after an emergency.
We now move on to a topic I love: Burgers. Â Learning how to prepare food, especially food that you enjoy eating gives you peace of mind that if the ingredients are available, you can make sure you and your loved ones are fed. Â Stock up on your emergency preparedness supplies to make sure you are self-reliant when a disaster strikes.
I could go for one (or two) of these this weekend!
Port Coquitlam, on the lower mainland of British Columbia is encouraging residents who want to be prepared to look to the city for help. The Now reports on Emergency Preparedness sessions the City is taking registrations on. Â The sessions will run on May 26th, Sept 22 and Nov 24. Â Tara Stroup, the city’s emergency preparedness program head is putting on these free one-day courses for residents to learn how to take care of themselves immediately following a disaster.