Friday Roundup – The Great ShakeOut
This week we link to a number of articles that relate to the Great ShakeOut which was held in earthquake prone area’s around North America. Each area encouraged participants to register online to be counted and listed.
There was the “The Great Southeast ShakeOut” held by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Central U.S. Earthquake Consortium. We all remember “drop, cover and roll” for fires, now we need to add into our memory banks “drop, cover and hold on”. A nice simple explanation of each is included in the link although it is fairly self explanatory.
The “Great California Shakeout” in this article encourages the participation of schools and speaks to the drill that was done at 10:18 on Oct 18. More than 9 million Californians were expected to participate in the annual earthquake-preparedness exercise.
More press from lists the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, British Columbia and Southern Italy in the Great ShakeOut earthquake drills. Interestingly, the first safety drill was held in Southern California in 2008 simulating a magnitude 7.8 earthquake.
Till next week… remember “Drop. Cover. Hold On.”