As September moves along at breakneck speed, we pause to reflect on this weeks news in the world of Emergency Preparedness and associated topics. First up is a piece on Phone Scams which I am always very passionate about (that and email scams). From there we move on to the Top Mistakes Businesses make during Emergency Planning and finish up with a kids perspective. Enjoy the read.
Can you believe it? The headline is FEMA Warns Hurricane Victims About Phone Scams. If it is not bad enough to have the trauma of the effects of a hurricane to worry about, along come the scum of the earth to take advantage of people when they are the most vulnerable. The scammers objective is to get the individuals banking account information posing as representatives of FEMA or the US Small Business Association. The article goes on to list resources, phone numbers and contact information to assist with disaster recovery assistance. Beware, the scammers now no boundaries.
From Bloomberg Businessweek we get this: The Top Mistakes Businesses Make During Emergency Preparedness. A 2012 study of more than 1300 US workers found that 75% of employees believe there company is not well-prepared for a natural disaster. Cintas Corporation, a leader in first aid and safety products, lists 7 of the worst emergency planning mistakes made by businesses. They include, forgetting to write and update emergency action plans, conducting fire drills infrequently and becoming complacent about safety. Good advice for companies of all sizes.
To conclude this weeks Friday Roundup we have this gem. A YouTube video make by the 5th and 6th graders at the Police Athletic League Beacon Camp at Goldie Maple Academy. It is called Ready, Set, Prepare. Our future leaders! Well done! [youtube]fp1DyJsuQwU[/youtube]