Friday Roundup – Great Utah Shakeout, Canada & Taiwan exchange info and Emergency Preparedness Week 2013
Three news stories from around the web to share with you today. Starting off with a great post in preparation of the Great Utah ShakeOut: If disaster strikes while you’re at work. Face it: If you work outside the home, a third or more of your life is spent at work. That means there’s a decent chance that disaster will strike when you’re not at home. This article goes on to list tips and information and challenges employers of their responsibilities such as “Employers should prepare to house employees at the office for an extended period of time. That means food and water, first aid and sanitation needs.” Good stuff.
In one of these “huh” moments, I came across the following article from The China Post. Canada office discusses emergency management. Now don’t get me wrong, I am all for this type of dialogue, but who were the participants what conclusions did they come up with and how will this be implemented are just a few questions I have. Canada’s representative to Taiwan Kathleen Mackay said in the statement that she hopes the participants in the seminar “will be able to learn from the best practices and experiences of other parts of the world, and thus best prepare for the own individual challenges of each area.”
Finally on this Good Friday we leave you with this: Emergency Preparedness Week in Canada. May 5-11, 2013 Emergency Preparedness Week (EP Week) is an annual event that takes place each year during the first full week of May. This national event is coordinated by Public Safety Canada, in close collaboration with the provinces and territories and partners. This website from the Federal Government lists some handy resources for individuals, groups and organizations to spread the word. Have a look!