Friday Roundup – “Food for Thought”, Zombie’s (again) and Politics
Good Friday morning! We start off this week with a bloggers roundup of his own interesting articles, move into an innovative idea utilizing the zombie theme and finish up with a political group doing their part to inform citizens.
Bill Hammerman is a blogger who runs the site His post titled More Emergency Preparedness “Food for Thought” poses 2 questions with follow up links and 2 flow statements with follow up links all pointing to the excellent resource site Emergency Management. I especially liked being asked the question: “Do we pay attention now or continue to hit the snooze button?” which links to a page to be downloaded titled “Disaster Dozen: 12 Myths of Disaster Preparedness”. A great read! Thanks Bill!
We finish up today with an article from North Texas/South East Oklahoma There, the Texoma Patriots (a local political group) are informing the public on more than just the government. They believe there is a great chance of another disaster, this time in the form of a terrorist attack or a nuclear disaster. The focus will be on water purification. “Water is one of the most important commodities we have today and it’s getting more and more precious so say there’s a nuclear or radioactive attack we are going to want to have water that’s pure,” says Kaaren Teuber, member of Texoma Patriots. Too true on the water front.
That’s all for this week…. stay safe and be prepared.