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Friday Roundup – Fires, apps and Food v Fuel

As we move into August we cast our gaze south of the border where droughts and wildfires are on the news every night.  It brings up serious questions about both emergency management and long term preparedness.  We will start our Friday look at the fire situation in Oklahoma brought about by the severe drought, move on to a new Hurricane app and finish with calls that have reignited the food for fuel debate in the US.

Several wildfires raging in parched Oklahoma countryside prompted more evacuations early Sunday.  Dozens of homes have burned to the ground and emergency workers are tasked with housing those forced out.  It is heartbreaking to read the stories of those who have lost everything in fires that have destroyed their homes. “It makes me feel sad,” said Victoria Landavazo, clutching a young child in her arms. “It’s all gone. All of our family pictures, everything.”  Fears of more widespread disasters of this type will spring up with the continued drought.

Corn crops are less that 10% of their normal yield in many area’s and unless the rain falls very, very soon, the soy bean crop is in serious jeopardy as well.  The Guardian newspaper in the UK ran this article: US farmers urge Obama administration to suspend ethanol quota amid drought as serious questions need to be asked in light of this global problem.

As this business week draws to a close, we are reminded that taking personal responsibility of you and your family’s emergency preparedness needs will give you peace of mind and much comfort when times go bad.


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