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Friday Round Up – Tornadoes and Hurricanes

After the tornado that ripped through Moore OK causing widespread damage and numerous deaths, we have hurricane season fast approaching.   Depending on who you are listening to or reading, this could be another severe 6 months of weather related disasters.

Scientists warn U.S., Canada of major Atlantic hurricanes in 2013.   U.S. and Canadian climate scientists are predicting another banner season for the giant storms.  The hurricane season begins June 1 and lasts for 6 months with the scientists predicting between 13 and 20 named storms with 7 to 11 of which could become hurricanes with moderate damaging wind speed with 3 to 6 of them attaining wind speeds of 178 km/h or higher (considered major hurricanes).  Sobering statistics to say the least.  Joe Nimmich, associate administrator at the Federal Emergency Management Agency, warned Americans (and Canadians) to prepare themselves for a difficult season.  “Preparedness today can make a big difference down the line, so update your family emergency plan and make sure your emergency kit is stocked,” he said in a statement.

Canadians advised to prepare against tornadoes despite lower risk than U.S.  Canadians face a significantly lower risk than their American neighbours of finding themselves in the path of a tornado, but should still be prepared to face the worst if mother nature decides to defy the odds, experts said Tuesday.  The Canadian Red Cross urges families to take the time to devise an emergency plan. Canadians should decide on a safe shelter area, an alternative rendezvous point out of the home and an out-of-town emergency contact and share the details with all family members. It’s also a good idea to devise an evacuation route and make sure all family members are familiar with it, the organization said in its online emergency preparedness guidelines. Another key precaution is to make an emergency preparedness kit that will see both family members and pets safely through at least 72 hours. The kit should include food, water, batteries, a radio, cash, a first-aid kit and special items such as medications.

Have a great weekend and catch you next Friday.

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