Emergency Preparedness Week

Emerg Prep Week

Since 1996, Emergency Preparedness Week is an annual event that spans the first full week of May, and focuses on raising awareness around the issue of emergencies and the importance of getting prepared.

With Public Safety Canada coordinating the national event, each year, every province and territory does their part to get engaged. Here in British Columbia, multi-hazard agency plans are updated routinely to ensure an effective strategy is in place. To find out more about the details, please visit the BC government’s Emergency Management page.

What will you do to celebrate Emergency Preparedness Week? Maybe you’ll stock up on some emergency products that you’re missing, or maybe you’ll do some reading up on the emergency preparedness infrastructure in your region. Emergency Preparedness week is all about taking up an active role in your community, and spreading knowledge about emergency preparedness. Government action is not enough. We — the people — need to be involved as well.

The week is also filled with many events – everything from education for emergency personnel to family fun activities, aimed to help families get prepared. Find out what events are happening in your area!

At Total Prepare, we’re continually bringing in new, top-of-the-line specialty products to make your planning efficient and simpler. Whether you’re in need of a good solid survival kit, like our 2 Person Deluxe Earthquake Kit or more basic items you’ll find it all here at Total Prepare.

And because we believe in the importance of everyone having emergency supplies, in celebration of Emergency Preparedness Week, we will be offering a 15% Off* Store-Wide Sale starting Friday May 1. *some exclusions apply

Be sure to stock up on your supplies now, before it gets pushed to the bottom of your to-do list once again.

It’s back to the basics:

  • Get informed: know the risks
  • Make a plan: communicate
  • Get an emergency kit, or create one yourself

If you’d like to learn more, visit the Public Safety Canada’s Get Prepared page – you will find lots of relevant pointers and contact information.

You can also educate yourself further by browsing through some of our other articles: