Emergency Preparations for Your Pets!


We were recently talking about taking stock and getting prepared while it’s quiet. If, indeed, you’re finding yourself with a little spare time on your hands, why not take your preparedness a step further?

Did you know that about 57% of households in Canada include pets? We understand if you prioritize your human kids and other family first, but pets are important too — as we’re sure you’ll agree!

If you’re feeling the itch to DIY, then the following list is a great way to get started:

  • a strong leash and harness
  • blanket and chew toy
  • ID tag and collar
  • food and water for at least 72 hours
    • 4 litres per day, for the average dog
    • 1 litre per day, for the average cat
  • bowls and can opener for food
  • canned food
  • newspaper or paper towels, plastic bags and litter, possibly a litter box
  • special medications, dosage, veterinarian contact information
  • pet file, including:
    • recent photos of your pet
    • your emergency numbers
    • contact information for friends who could take care of your pet
    • copies of any licences
    • vaccination records
  • optional: a crate or other type of carrier
  • pet first-aid kit

And of course, don’t forget the golden rule: if you’re evacuating your house in the case of an emergency, make sure you bring your pet with you! It’s also important that your pets wear collars and identification tags at all times, just in case there’s an emergency, and takes part in any emergency drills you practice as a family.

If you’re interested in reading more about how to prepare for your pets, in case of an emergency, check out these posts: