Emergency Food Supplies Can Be Nutritious And Economical

There are lots of things to consider when planning your emergency food supply. The number of people you will need to feed and the length of time you want that food to be able to stretch out for are typically two of the things you will need to calculate. Cost is also going to be a big factor in how much food and other supplies you will be able to purchase. Cost, although important for most of us, must be compared carefully and with a critical eye. Although one package of food may, on the surface, seem to be the better bargain, there are several factors that need to be weighed before making any food purchase.

One of the first things you will want to look at is the, per person and per serving, calorie count. Each serving of food should be providing 2000 calories per individual. The real cost and value of the food is easier if you calculate the cost on a 2000 calorie basis. Total Prepare has done the research and by far, Legacy Premium Emergency Food provides the best price when you compare calorie per serving to cost. Calorie count is an important consideration, especially when stress levels are high, as they will no doubt be in any prolonged emergency situation. Many Canadians experienced this during the recent winter storms and blizzards that hit much of the country. While one day without power may not be so difficult to handle, many people have been without water or power for several weeks. Making sure everyone is getting the right amount of calories from nutritious foods is essential. Total Prepare has also taken the guess work out of how much food you will need to feed your family for extended periods of time with their online meal calculator.

As important as nutrition and calories are, taste and variety also play a role in emergency food planning. This is especially true for anyone with children who can be quite picky when it comes to the foods they are willing to eat. Nutrition, taste and quality are all essential parts of every Legacy Premium Emergency Food packet. All the foods are 100% certified GMO free so you can be confident that you are feeding your family the best food you can. With a large selection and variety of breakfasts, lunch and dinner entrées, side dishes, drink mixes and even coffee, there is no worry about adding the stress of trying to get your family to eat the same foods over and over again for days or even weeks on end.

When price comparison shopping it’s also important to take into consideration that the foods you store probably have a shelf life of one or two years at the most so foods need to be checked and replaced on a regular basis. With a shelf life of 25 years Legacy Premium Emergency Foods makes sure that the food you have stored will not go to waste. Take some time to look over the wide variety of foods that Total Prepare carries and see first-hand just how much more economical it really is to purchase quality, nutritious foods for your emergency food supplies.